Smartwatches with NFC
prices on 133 modelsNFC
— NFC is a short-range wireless communication technology (up to 10 cm). At the same time, it can work both as a reader and as a readable tag, which in theory provides very extensive possibilities for the use of this technology. In practice, the following methods are most often found in smart watches:— Contactless payment. For more information about it, see relevant paragraph; here we note that support for this function, although popular in watches with NFC, is not formally required. Therefore, the possibility of such an application should be clarified separately (a separate selection filter is provided for this case).
— Speed up connections with smartphones, tablets and other devices. If the external device also has NFC, then instead of manual configuration, you just need to bring your wearable gadget to it – and NFCs will “identify” each other, the communication will be set up automatically, and the user will only have to confirm the communication.
— Various types of interaction with smartphones, tablets, etc. — for example, unlocking the screen or launching an application when you bring the wearable gadget to the smartphone.
In theory, more specific ways of using NFC are possible – for example, as a travel card, pass, etc. And in many models of wearable gadgets, the set of these methods is limited only to installed applications.