6 bit + FRC monitors
prices on 179 models6 bit + FRC
— screens with 6-bit colour matrices that support FRC technology.6 bit is essentially the minimum colour depth for modern monitors, it provides 2 ^ 6 = 64 shades for each base colour (red, green, blue) and a total colour depth of 64 * 64 * 64 = 0.26 million shades. This is a very limited figure for today, especially since the incoming video signal most often has a colour depth of at least 8 bits. Thus, there are few purely 6-bit screens nowadays — models with FRC support have become much more widespread, which are placed in this selection point.
FRC technology improves colour quality in cases where the incoming video signal has a greater colour depth than the screen matrix. 6-bit monitors that support it are sometimes referred to as "6+2 bit FRC". Anyway, when working with an incoming 8-bit signal, such screens provide a better, smoother image than conventional 6-bit ones. However such monitors still do not reach the quality of full-fledged 8-bit matrices — but they are much cheaper.
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