prices on 6 models
— design resembling the shape of the letter "F". It is used exclusively in clamps (see "Type"). If you arrange such a clamp similarly to the letter "F", then its device can be described as follows. The upper horizontal crossbar is rigidly fixed on a vertical "stand" (long rail) and plays the role of a fixed sponge. The lower crossbar is made movable and can move along the rail, and the clamping can be done with a screw or with a trigger mechanism (see "Compression mechanism"). Anyway, the design of the F-shaped clamps is such that the tool can be adjusted to the width of the clamp by moving the movable part to the desired distance relative to the fixed one. At the same time, the rails can be quite long, which gives very extensive possibilities for the use of such tools; in some models, the width of the clamp (see the relevant paragraph) exceeds 1 m. Among the disadvantages of this option, it can be noted that the mechanism for fixing the moving part gradually wears out and may fail. In addition, such models are relatively poorly suited for large loads, both because of the peculiarities of the fixing mechanism and because of the risk of rack deformation at high forces.