Not everyone needs flagships from the Melitta Barista league with an extensive list of recipes for coffee and milk drinks based on it. An economy version of such coffee machines is presented in the CI series, which use the same hardware platform, but are "cut" in terms of the number of pre-installed programs. The detachment's grain machines know 4 recipes: espresso, americano, "correct" cappuccino and latte macchiato. If necessary, the settings of each programme can be tweaked manually - the machines have a memory for 4 user profiles.

Melitta CI devices are equipped with a removable pre-wet brewing unit, a 1400 W flow-through thermoblock, a 15 bar pump, a conical burr grinder with 5 bean grinding levels, a 1.8-liter water tank and two hoppers for whole bean coffee (135 g each). An automatic cappuccinatore and a single dispenser for dispensing coffee and milk for cups up to 14 cm high are sent to the piggy bank of their pluses.

The Touch modification is the only one in the Melitta CI series with a touch control panel.

Models of the series easily adapt to individual user preferences, support simple mechanical control (except for instances of the Touch subspecies), and are equipped with a passively heated steel cup holder. All in all, Melitta CI is a solid mid-level two-hopper coffee machine with a canonically “correct” cappuccino recipe.