Circulation Pumps ratingFebruary, 2025 |
1 | 8.3% |
2 | 5.8% |
3 | 5.8% |
4 | 4.3% |
5 | 3.4% |
6 | 2.1% |
7 | 2.1% |
8 | 2.1% |
9 | 2.1% |
10 | 2.1% |
Circulation Pumps rating is based on comprehensive statistics on popularity of particular model among ukrainian internet audience. Following are diagrams of most important features of models that have attracted user interest.
Any reprint or other use of rating is possible only with reference to source
Any reprint or other use of rating is possible only with reference to source
Main function
Max. volume flow
Max. head
Power consumption
Number of speeds
Pump housing material
Country of origin