Cucaracha board games
— the word "cucaracha" translates as "cockroach", and in this mechanical interactive game, participants will take on the role of a cockroach hunter. The playing field is a labyrinth formed from swivel partitions. Each partition is labeled "spoon", "fork" or "knife"; by rolling the die, the player determines which kind of partition he can turn on his turn. A "cockroach" moves through the maze — a miniature robot that imitates the behavior of a real insect: it is able to bypass obstacles and suddenly change direction. The player's task is to drive the "cucaracha" into his pen; whoever catches 5 cockroaches is the winner. There are 4 pens on the playing field (two on each side), so from 2 to 4 players can participate in the game (ideally 2 or 4).