In the segment of Panasonic inverter air conditioners, the Etherea line of wall-mounted split systems is rightfully in demand among a wide audience. The models delegated from it provide comfort and a healthy microclimate in the served room. The units of the series are based on three pillars: advanced inverter control, Econavi smart sensor and Nanoe-G air cleaning system.

The driving force for the dispersal of ozone-safe R32 freon through the veins of split systems is the Panasonic R2 rotary inverter compressor. Side-by-side with it, an intelligent Econavi sensor is installed on board the indoor unit of the series devices. The sensor optimizes the orientation of the airflow according to the human activity in the room, and also reduces the cooling power when the sunlight weakens.

The operation of Panasonic Etherea split systems is aimed at providing comfortable and healthy climatic conditions in the serviced premises.

Panasonic Etherea air conditioners have been assigned a high energy efficiency class (up to A +++ in certain versions of climate equipment). Another of their integral attributes is the advanced Nanoe-G filtration system, which improves air quality, and also copes with mold, viruses, bacteria and pollen very well. The winter set provides for the possibility of operation of the units of the family for heating at outdoor air temperatures down to -15 °C.