prices on 1028 modelsDrill
— a drill is a cutting tool designed to make holes in various materials by rotating with pressure (in a drill, drilling machine, etc.). Drills can have a different design, depending on the material for which they are designed. However, anyway, such a tool is not designed for shock loads and is not used for drilling with impact — this is the fundamental difference from drills. Drills can be equipped with “perforating” shanks (see “Shank type”), but even such models are designed specifically for classic drilling — when working with them, you need to turn off the percussion function of the perforator. Due to this format of work, such nozzles are less performant than drills, and they cope worse with hard, dense materials like stone. On the other hand, drills provide more delicate and accurate processing and can be used even in rather fragile materials, for which drilling with impact is unacceptable.Show