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Tyres & Rims

Articles, reviews, useful tips

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Which car wheels are better: stamped, cast or forged?
Competitive advantages and disadvantages of common types of car wheels
What to give to a motorist?
10 practical gift ideas for drivers
Is it worth buying Chinese tires?
An opportunity to save money or money down the drain? Pros and cons of Chinese tires.
New Euro labels: updated rules for labeling tyre stickers
New labeling system provides consumers with complete information about the properties of specific tyres
All year round without worries! All-season tyres — weighing the pros and cons
Is it possible to do with one set of tyres all year round? Pros and cons of all-season tyres
Subsidiary brands of leading tyre companies
Tyres from sub-brands have the same qualities as the products of the parent companies
How to choose wheels for a car so that they are sure to become?
Key tolerances to consider when selecting wheels
10 tips for preparing your car for winter
Valuable advices for preparing your vehicle to face the winter season fully