Switch technology
Membrane. The name of this type is due to the fact that the contacts under each key are made in the form of two membranes — conductive disks on a flexible film. The return of the keys to their original position after pressing is ensured by the elasticity of the membranes. This design is characterized by low cost and low noise level; in addition, such keyboards are quite resistant to liquid spills (although this is still not recommended). Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the relatively low durability — 3-4 times lower than that of mechanical ones. In addition, as the keys of this type wear out, the force required to press decreases, they begin to “fall through” under the fingers (“fatigue effect”).
Mechanical. In this design, springs are used to return the key to its original position after being pressed. Mechanical keyboards are considered more advanced than membrane keyboards: they are more reliable and durable, almost do not lose properties as they wear out, and give a clear tactile feedback. The overall noise level is often higher than that of membrane ones, however, many attribute a characteristic click with each press to the advantages of such models; in addition, completely silent mechanical switches are also available. But of the unequivocal disadvantages, one can name the high cost and sensitivity to spilling liquid (although a mechanical keyboard can also be made waterproof).
— Optical-mechanical. A variation of the mechanical keyboards described above, in which each key is equipped not with a traditional pair of contacts, but with an optical switch in the form of a sensor that receives an infrared beam; when you press the key, this beam is blocked, which serves as a signal for operation. One of the key advantages of such switches is a very high response speed (fractions of a millisecond); this moment is not critical for domestic use, but it can be fundamental for gamers-enthusiasts and e-sportsmen. In addition, the absence of electrical contacts that are prone to wear and oxidize has a positive effect on durability. And although initially the “optics” are more complicated than classic systems with contacts, however, in gaming keyboards, optical-mechanical switches are often even cheaper than pure “mechanics”. And the fact that this option is relatively rare is primarily due to the fact that optical technology appeared not so long ago and is only gaining popularity.
— Membrane + mechanical. A layout in which most of the keys have a membrane design, and some, the most "responsible" ones, are mechanical. About the features of both options, see above, and a similar combination of them is found mainly in gaming keyboards. In this case, the "mechanics" are usually used on the traditional combination of WASD plus on the surrounding keys Q, E, R and F.
— Mechanical-membrane. A hybrid design that combines elements of mechanical and membrane keyboards (see above for more on both). In this case, these features are combined in each individual key. Usually, under each button in such keyboards there is a membrane, however, inside this membrane is not just a pair of contacts, but a mechanical spring system. Thus, this design combines the advantages of both options. At the same time, mechanical-membrane systems are very expensive. Therefore, their main scope is high-end gaming keyboards, and even among such devices this option is quite rare.
— Scissor. A slightly modified version of membrane keyboards (see the relevant paragraph), in which the flexible membrane on each key is supplemented by a two-piece mechanism fastened together in the form of scissors. One of the main features of scissor keyboards is the low key travel (noticeably lower than that of membrane keyboards). Also, this design is less demanding on accuracy, it allows you to achieve a clear pressing regardless of where the finger hit — in the centre or on the edge of the key. The service life of the "scissors" is large; they are more difficult to clean, however, they become dirty much more slowly than "membranes". Among the disadvantages of this option, a slightly increased noise level during operation can be noted — due to the clicking of scissor mechanisms.Switches
The model of switches (switches) used in the keyboard - switching mechanisms installed under each individual key. These details are given if the design uses advanced mechanics, positioned as a better option than traditional switches. Mostly gaming keyboards are equipped with such mechanics.
The most popular switch brands in our time are
Cherry MX, considered the "classic of the genre" for high-quality mechanics;
Gateron, practically not inferior to him; not so advanced, but also cheaper
Kailh and
Keychron, as well as ultra-budget
Outemu. For all these brands, different types of switches have a different stem color, which can be used to determine the features of the keyboard. It is also worth saying that modern mechanical switches are divided into three main varieties:
tactile and
- Linear. Such solutions are closest to conventional membrane keyboards: the key travel is uniform along the entire length, with minimal resistance and the absence of a clear actuation point. There is an opinion that the linear "mechanics" is best suited for games where you have to deal with fast and frequent clicks; however, in practice, this moment largely depends on the personal tastes of th
...e user, nothing prevents the use of such keyboards for working with texts.
- Tactile. Switches with a clearly defined actuation point - a kind of barrier to the path of the key. Such a "barrier" allows you to clearly determine by touch whether the key has worked or not. Tactile keyboards are valued primarily by tech who have to type large volumes of texts.
- Tactile-auditory (Clicky). In such switches, the actuation point is felt not only by touch, but also by ear: the actuation of the key is accompanied by a clearly audible click, which is often compared to the sound of the keys of a typewriter. Due to this, this option is also very popular among users dealing with texts. Some people consider switches of this type not very suitable for games, since they are supposedly not very convenient for frequent, fast pressing; however, a quality Clicky switch is as good as a linear switch in this regard, and the choice depends solely on personal preference. But the unequivocal disadvantages of such keyboards include a rather loud click sound, which in some situations may be superfluous.
As for specific colors, here are their features:
- Red (red). Linear type switches with minimum resistance. They are popular, in particular, among professional gamers who deal with dynamic games and try by all means to speed up their reaction to gaming events. On the other hand, a low force increases the likelihood of accidentally pressing an unnecessary button.
— Black. Another type of linear switches. They have a tighter move compared to Red, which, on the one hand, requires a little more effort, on the other hand, minimizes the chance of accidentally pressing the wrong key.
Blue. Switches in clicky format, with tactile feedback and a click.
— Brown. Switches with tactile feedback, but no "click". The Brown action is great for when you want a keyboard with tactile feedback and at the same time you want to avoid unnecessary noise (although the sound is still louder than on a membrane keyboard). In addition, it is considered a good option for tech who are just starting to get acquainted with mechanical keyboards.
— Silver. Linear switches designed for maximum operating speed. They have a very low stroke - about 1 - 1.2 mm - as well as a very small pressing force, which contributes to high speed. At the same time, the use of such a keyboard requires a certain skill, since even a small effort from an accidental touch usually leads to the operation of a key.PBT keycaps
Keys made of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), one of the most durable and long-lasting plastics for keyboards. Unlike ABS keycaps, they are more wear-resistant, do not become glossy over time, and are resistant to mechanical abrasion. The latter is also facilitated by high-quality application of symbols, for example, by double casting (Double Shot) or laser engraving.
PBT keycaps have a rough texture that is pleasant to the touch and provide a clearer and tactile response when typing.
Additional keys
The number of
additional keys provided in the design of the keyboard.
Such keys do not belong to the standard layout and are intended for quick access to specific functions or individual applications — for example, to control the media player or open mail with one click. This function is convenient because commands from additional keys are usually recognized by the system regardless of what is on the screen — thanks to this, for example, you do not have to close the text editor to switch tracks in the player.
Note that in this case we are talking about individual keys that have a strictly defined purpose and corresponding markings. Programmable buttons, the Fn key (see below) and the functions of the main keys implemented through Fn are not taken into account in this paragraph.
Cyrillic colour
The colour of the Cyrillic letters printed on the keyboard.
This colour is usually chosen so that the letters are clearly visible. This point does not affect the functionality of the keyboard, and the choice in this case depends mainly on personal preferences. However, there is also a practical point: for inexperienced users who have not mastered touch typing, it is desirable that the letters stand out as much as possible against the background of the keys.
Transparent letters are a separate case — they are used in keyboards equipped with a backlight (see below), due to which such characters, when the backlight is on, are visible even in the dark.
Skeleton keyboard
Keyboards made in
a Skeleton case.
The main difference between such cases and the classical ones is that the mechanism of each key is not hidden at the base of the keyboard, but, on the contrary, rises somewhat above it. Due to this, the keys can be easily removed and put back into place, which makes it much easier to clean from dust and dirt. And in gaming keyboards of this type, the kit often includes interchangeable buttons that differ in colour and texture from the main ones. Actually, almost all models with this feature are specifically gaming (see "By Direction").
Detachable cable
The presence of a removable cable in the design of the keyboard.
This feature provides, first of all, additional convenience in storage and transportation: it is easier to pack the removed cable than to wind and lay the wire attached to the keyboard. Another advantage is that if necessary, the complete cable can be replaced without changing the entire keyboard — for example, if it is damaged or if a longer cable is needed. However, these moments are not so often significant, so there are not so many
keyboards with detachable cables.
Metal structure
Keyboards whose body or certain elements are made of metal. This can be either the entire body or its parts - for example, a metal plate as a base for keys. Note that when it comes to the metal construction of the keyboard, the latter option is more common.
Compared to plastic—the most common keyboard case material—metal is much stronger, more durable, and more durable. It has a significant weight, but in this case it can also be written down as advantages — massiveness contributes to stability and reduces the likelihood that the keyboard will "fidget" under the fingers. In addition,
metal cases look stylish and solid. On the other hand, they are noticeably more expensive than plastic ones, and the advantages mentioned are not so much practical as psychological. Therefore, this feature is found mainly in advanced
gaming models (see "By Direction"), for which a solid appearance is no less important than functionality.