Inverter generators
prices on 7 modelsInverter
— synchronous alternator (see the relevant paragraph), equipped with an additional electronic unit — an inverter. This block provides double current conversion: from AC to DC and then back to AC. Such devices are not cheap, but they have a number of advantages. Firstly, the output is a very stable current, practically without any jumps and fluctuations. Secondly, the generator is able to regulate the operation of the engine depending on the load: for example, if the load is half of the output power, then the engine power is halved; this results in significant fuel savings. Thirdly, inverter models are lighter and more compact than traditional generators, and they are less noisy.It is such a generator that is considered the best choice for a load that is sensitive to the quality of the current, such as audio equipment or a TV. At the same time, units of this type have a relatively low power and are not designed for long-term operation or high starting loads, and therefore they are used only as backup power sources for relatively low-power power supply systems. In addition, when choosing an inverter generator, it is worth clarifying the shape of the output signal: not all models give an perfect sine wave — there are also units with a trapezoidal pulse that are not suitable for delicate equipment.