| - Compatible IBM/InfoPrint models:
- 2380, 2380 Plus, 2381, 2381 Plus, 2390, 2390 PS/1, 2390 Plus, 2391, 2391 Plus
- Compatible Lexmark models:
- Formsprinter: 2380 Plus, 2381 Plus, 2390 Plus, 2391 Plus, 2400 Series, 2480, 2481, 2490, 2491, 2580, 2580 N, 2580 N Plus, 2580 Plus, 2581, 2581 N, 2581 N Plus, 2581 Plus, 2590, 2590 N, 2590 N Plus, 2590 Plus, 2591, 2591 N, 2591 N Plus, 2591 Plus
- 2380, 2380 Plus, 2381, 2381 Plus, 2390, 2390 Plus, 2391, 2391 Plus For use in Lexmark 2380/81, 2390/91, 2480/81 Compatible with 2490/91, 2580/80N, 2581/81N Also works in 2590/90N and 2591N forms printers Delivers outstanding results page after page, year after year Yields >>>>… | |