Dry food for cats
prices on 678 models— food in the form of dry pressed pieces — pads, stars, etc. In accordance with the name, it practically does not contain moisture, which makes it very convenient: it does not require special storage conditions, it can lie for a long time even in a cat bowl without the risk of spoiling, and it is also easy to clean if the animal has a tendency to spill food. Also, the energy value of such feeds is higher than that of canned food, they are more “concentrated” and nutritious, due to which the serving size will be smaller. Another important advantage is the availability of large packages on the market, which, in terms of a kilogram of feed, usually turn out to be more profitable than small ones. On the other hand, most of these brands contain relatively little fat; in addition, when eating “drying”, constant access to fresh fresh water is important — to maintain the balance of salts and the amount of fluid in the body.
Comparing dry food and canned food, one cannot unequivocally say which is better and which is worse — both varieties have their pros and cons, as well as their adherents. We only note that when choosing the type of food, it's ok to take into account the preferences of the pet itself: for example, if the old owners ate canned food normally, you should not forcefully transfer it to “drying”.