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Comparison Daikin Emura FTXG20L 20 m² vs Daikin Emura FTXG20L/RXG20L 20 m²

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Daikin Emura FTXG20L 20 m²
Daikin Emura FTXG20L/RXG20L 20 m²
Daikin Emura FTXG20L 20 m²Daikin Emura FTXG20L/RXG20L 20 m²
from $677.44 up to $777.20
Outdated Product
from $817.80 up to $1,666.80
Outdated Product
TOP sellers
Typesplit systemsplit system
Recommended room area20 m²20 m²
In box
indoor unit
indoor unit
outdoor unit
Modes and programs
cooling, heating, dehumidification, ventilation
night mode
cooling, heating, dehumidification, ventilation
night mode
inverter compressor
auto restart
motion sensor
vertical blinds drive
Wi-Fi module connection
inverter compressor
auto restart
motion sensor
vertical blinds drive
Wi-Fi module connection
deodorizing (charcoal)
deodorizing (charcoal)
Power consumption (cooling/heating)501/760 W
Cooling capacity2000 W2000 W
Heating capacity2500 W2500 W
Air flow612 m³/h612 m³/h
Noise level (max/min)40/19 dB40/19 dB
Refrigerant typeR410АR410А
Cooling EER4.59
Heating COP5
Seasonal cooling SEER8.52
Seasonal heating SCOP4.6
Energy efficiency EER (cooling)A
Energy efficiency COP (heating)A
Energy efficiency SEER (cooling)A+++
Energy efficiency SCOP (heating)A++
Min. T for cooling mode-10 °C
Min. T for heating mode-15 °C
General specs
Indoor unit dimensions (WxHxD)
998x303x212 mm /weight - 12 kg/
998x303x212 mm /weight - 12 kg/
Dimensions of window/outdoor unit (WxHxD)
765x550x285 mm /weight — 35 kg/
Added to E-Catalogmay 2015march 2014

In box

A set of components included in the delivery of the air conditioner.

This parameter is indicated only for split and multi split systems (see "Type") — other types of air conditioners are made as single units, and there is simply no need to specify the complete set for them. Split system can be supplied both in a complete set, and in separate units (both indoor and outdoor). Among traditional split systems, the first option is the most popular: it is most convenient to buy such a solution as a ready-made kit, and the purchase of a separate unit is required if one of the original units breaks down. But the components of multi split air conditioners, on the contrary, are most often sold separately — this makes it easy to assemble such a system for a specific situation by separately purchasing an outdoor unit and the required number of indoor ones.


Types of additional filters that are standard on the air conditioner (in addition to the simplest mechanical cleaning filters, which are found in all models).

We emphasize that we are talking specifically about the filters supplied in the kit; Some models allow you to separately purchase additional elements for air purification, but this possibility is not taken into account in this case. As for specific options, the most popular in modern air conditioners are ionizers, various antibacterial filters(including catechin elements and UV lamps), devices for fine cleaning (including HEPA filters), antifungal, antiallergenic, deodorizing and formaldehyde filters, and also elements that combine several functions at once (for example, catalytic). Here is a detailed description of each of them:

— Ionizer. The action of the ionizer is based on the saturation of the air with negatively charged ions. They provide a feeling of fresh air, have a bactericidal effect, and are considered beneficial for overall health. One of the advanced types of ionizers are also plasma (electrostatic)...filters. Along with the saturation of air masses with useful air ions, they are assigned the task of air purification. Such filters can quite effectively destroy harmful microorganisms, destroy some harmful substances, and trap grains of dust, smoke, soot, etc. — these particles, under the influence of ionized air, themselves acquire a charge and are attracted to the filter plates.

— Fine cleaning. This term usually refers to advanced mechanical filters that provide air filtration at a microscopic level. The specific effectiveness of such devices may vary; it should be clarified separately in each case. Note also that the HEPAs described below are also, in fact, fine filters; however, they use a specific operating principle and are inherently highly efficient. Therefore, the presence of HEPA filters is indicated separately.

— HEPA filter. A special type of mechanical fine filters. Thanks to the special design of the microchannels through which air passes in such a filter, such devices can trap particles much smaller in size than the size of the microchannels. For comparison, the effectiveness of a HEPA filter is assessed by its ability to capture contaminants measuring 0.1 - 0.3 microns (with such particles, such a filter is least effective), while the size of most bacteria starts at 0.5 microns. Based on their effectiveness, such filters are divided into classes; Nowadays, HEPA classes from 10 (retains at least 85% of the mentioned particles) to 14 (filtration efficiency reaches 99.995%) are relevant.

- Catechin. In fact, it is a type of antibacterial filters described below, created on the basis of catechins - natural organic substances with a powerful antioxidant effect. Such filters are highly effective in fighting bacteria and viruses, but they are not cheap; In light of these features, they are separated into a separate category.

- Catalytic. Most often, this term refers to photocatalytic, or “zeolite” filters - devices that operate using a special substance (photocatalyst) and UV radiation. Under the influence of such radiation, the catalyst decomposes the organic matter falling on it into simpler substances - usually water and carbon dioxide. This technology not only allows you to remove harmful impurities from the air (at the level of individual molecules), but also provides a good bactericidal and antiviral effect. Moreover, such a filter requires virtually no maintenance: the photocatalyst is not consumed during operation, and the reaction products freely evaporate outside. On the other hand, the price of such elements is quite high.

- Antibacterial. Various filters designed to destroy bacteria and other harmful organisms - viruses, fungi, etc. The specific operating principle, level of efficiency and maintenance rules for such filters may vary; these details should be clarified in the documentation for the air conditioner. However, if air disinfection is of fundamental importance to you, such a filter will definitely not be out of place. Let us note only two nuances in this regard. Firstly, catechol elements are usually not included in this category, although they have the same purpose (see above); secondly, not every antibacterial filter is capable of effectively fighting viruses - again, it would not hurt to clarify this point separately.
It is also worth considering that no matter how effective the air conditioner filters are, thorough air disinfection is not its main task; specialized devices should be used for these purposes.

- Antifungal. A specialized filter for removing harmful fungi from the air, such as mold. The antibacterial devices described above also have this function to one degree or another; however, this type of filter is much more effective in this regard. On the other hand, the need to intensively fight specifically fungi does not arise so often, and for other cases, the same antibacterial filters are usually quite sufficient. So antifungal elements are used quite rarely in modern air conditioners.

- Anti-allergenic. Filters designed primarily to remove allergy-causing contaminants from the air: pollen (including from indoor plants), dust mites, particles of pet hair, etc. The specific operating principle of such filters may vary and should be clarified separately. Thus, relatively inexpensive air conditioners usually use simple mechanical cleaning, and the term “anti-allergenic” is more of a marketing ploy than a real description of the filter’s specialization. More advanced models often include more advanced technologies - for example, an enzyme filter that breaks down allergens into simple, harmless substances like water and carbon dioxide.

- Ultraviolet lamp. A lamp that processes the air passing through the air conditioner with UV radiation. This treatment provides a bactericidal effect: ultraviolet light neutralizes most bacteria, viruses and fungi. True, in general the efficiency of such lamps is not particularly high; however, they are a great addition to an antibacterial filter. And even without such a filter, the quality of air purification of an air conditioner with a UV lamp will be higher than that of a similar model without such a lamp.
We would like to emphasize that this function should not be confused with the catalytic (photocatalytic) filter described above - UV lamps have a much simpler design and operating principle.

— Deodorizing (charcoal). A specialized filter designed, among other things, to combat unpleasant odors. Acts at the molecular level, allowing ordinary air to pass through and absorbing molecules of substances that create unpleasant odors; Of course, it is also capable of trapping larger particles, such as smoke. Activated carbon is most often used as a filter element - hence one of the variants of the name; There are filters based on other substances, but they also have similar properties. It is worth keeping in mind that in any deodorizing filter the working element must be changed periodically - when its resource is exhausted, it becomes useless and can even emit harmful substances itself.

- Formaldehyde. A specialized filter for removing formaldehyde and some other harmful organic compounds (for example, ammonia, benzene and/or hydrogen sulfide) from the air. The source of such substances can be both external pollution (for example, emissions from industrial enterprises) and some objects in the room itself: new furniture or curtains, some types of floor and wall coverings (immediately after application), spoiled food, cigarette smoke, etc. n. The specific operating principle of filters of this type may vary. Most often, the so-called cryocatalytic element is used, in which the catalyst decomposes organic matter into simpler, harmless components, and then restores its properties due to the cold when the air conditioner operates for cooling. In addition, many catalytic (photocatalytic) filters (see above) have similar capabilities, so one such element can be declared in the characteristics as two types of filters at once - both catalytic and formaldehyde.

In addition to the varieties described above, other types of filters may be found in modern air conditioners, in particular:

— Air purifying. A general name used for different types of filters. This term often denotes the simplest elements of coarse cleaning (for advertising purposes - so that the list of filters in the characteristics is larger). However, there is also another option - devices created on the basis of specific proprietary technologies and which do not fit into any of the varieties described above; such devices can combine several functions simultaneously (for example, fine filtration and antibacterial effect).

— Dust collecting. Most often we are talking about a simple mechanical filter that traps dust and other relatively large particles. Almost all modern air conditioners are equipped with such devices, but in some models the presence of “dust” filters is specified separately - mainly for advertising purposes.

— With vitamin C. A filter that saturates the air with vitamin C. It is believed that this supplement has a positive effect on immunity and skin condition; There is no clear evidence of this, but in conditions of vitamin deficiency, such a device will definitely not be superfluous.

- Preliminary. Mechanical coarse filter installed in front of the main set of filters. Detains relatively large contaminants, preventing them from reaching other filter elements and removing part of the “load” from them. At the same time, the design of the pre-filter is, as a rule, as simple as possible, and its maintenance is limited to periodic shaking or washing.

— “Ionic” (for example, Smart Ion, etc.). As a rule, it is the same electrostatic filter (see above), but presented under one or another brand name.

Power consumption (cooling/heating)

Power consumption of the air conditioner in cooling and heating mode; for models without a heating mode, only one number is given. This parameter should not be confused with the effective capacity of the air conditioner. Effective capacity is the amount of heat that the unit can "pump" into the environment or the room. This item also indicates the amount of electricity consumed by the device from the network.

In all air conditioners, the power consumption is several times lower than the effective capacity. It is due to the peculiarities of the operation of such units. At the same time, devices with the same efficiency may differ in power consumption. In such cases, the more economical models usually cost more, but with continued use, the difference can quickly pay off with less electricity consumption.

Also, two points related to electrical engineering depend on this nuance. Firstly, power consumption affects power requirements: models up to 3 – 3.5 kW can be connected to a regular outlet, while higher power consumption requires a three-phase connection (see below). Secondly, the power consumption is needed to calculate the load on the mains and the necessary parameters of additional equipment: stabilizers, emergency generators, uninterruptible power supplies, etc.

Cooling EER

Cooling factor EER provided by the air conditioner. It is calculated as the ratio of the useful operating power of the air conditioner in cooling mode to the electricity consumption. For example, a device that delivers 6 kW of operating power in cooling mode and consumes 2 kW will have an EER 6/2 = 3.

The higher this indicator, the more economical the air conditioner is and the higher its cooling energy efficiency class (see below). Each class has its clear requirements for EER.

It is worth noting that this indicator is considered not very reliable, and in the European Union another coefficient has been introduced that is closer to practice — SEER. See Energy efficiency SEER (cooling) for more details.

Heating COP

The heating coefficient COP provided by the air conditioner. It is calculated as the ratio of the heat output of the air conditioner in heating mode to the electricity consumption. For example, if a device consumes 2 kW and produces 5 kW of thermal power, then the COP will be 5/2 = 2.5.

The higher this indicator, the more economical the air conditioner is and the higher its energy efficiency class when heating (see below). Each class has its own clear COP requirements.

Note that COP values are usually higher than the values of another important coefficient — EER (see above). It is due to the technical features of the air conditioners.

It is also worth mentioning that since 2013, a more advanced and closer-to-practice coefficient, SCOP, has been put into use in Europe. See "Energy efficiency SCOP (heating)" for more details.

Seasonal cooling SEER

The seasonal SEER cooling factor provided by the air conditioner.

The meaning of this parameter is similar to the cooling coefficient — EER (see above): we are talking about the ratio of useful power to spend, and the higher the coefficient, the more efficient the device is. The difference between these parameters lies in the measurement method: EER is measured for strictly standard conditions (outside temperature +35 °C, workload 100%), while SEER is closer to reality — it takes into account seasonal temperature fluctuations (for Europe) and some other specific points, such as the increased efficiency of inverter compressors. Therefore, since 2013, it is customary to use SEER as the main parameter in the EU; this parameter was also adopted for air conditioners supplied to other countries with a similar climate.

Seasonal heating SCOP

Seasonal heating coefficient SCOP provided by the air conditioner.

Like the COP (see above), this parameter describes the overall efficiency of the air conditioner in heating operation and is calculated by the formula: thermal (useful) power divided by electricity consumption. The higher the coefficient, the more efficient the device, respectively. And the difference between COP and SCOP is that COP is measured under strictly standard conditions (outside temperature +7 °C, full workload), and SCOP takes into account seasonal temperature fluctuations (for Europe), changes in air conditioner operating modes, the presence of an inverter and some other options. Thanks to this, SCOP is closer to real indicators, and since 2013 this coefficient has been taken as the main one in the territory of the European Union. However, this parameter is also used for air conditioners supplied to other countries with a similar climate.

Energy efficiency EER (cooling)

The general energy efficiency class that the air conditioner complies with in cooling mode.

This parameter is indicated by letters from A (highest efficiency) and beyond. It is directly related to the value of the EER factor (see "Cooling EER"): each energy efficiency class corresponds to a certain range of factors (for example, B — from 3.0 to 3.2). Specific coefficient values for each class can be found in special tables; here we note that more efficient air conditioners are more expensive, but this difference can pay off due to less electricity consumption.

Energy efficiency COP (heating)

The general energy efficiency class that the air conditioner corresponds to when operating in heating.

This parameter is indicated by letters from A (highest efficiency) and beyond. It is directly related to the value of the COP coefficient (see "Heating COP"): each energy efficiency class corresponds to a certain range of coefficients (for example, C — from 3.2 to 3.4). Specific coefficient values for each class can be found in special tables; here we note that more efficient air conditioners are more expensive, but this difference can pay off due to less electricity consumption.
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