Front wheels diameter
The diameter of the front wheels installed in the stroller.
At the same time, the front wheels are not as important for mobility as the rear wheels: for example, to overcome obstacles, the stroller is often lifted "on its toes" by tilting it towards itself, with only the rear wheels working. Therefore, the diameter of the front wheels may be noticeably smaller than the rear wheels. It should be noted here that the small size also has its advantages — the wheels are lighter.
Speaking of specific numbers, diameter
up to 15 cm is considered very modest,
16 — 20 cm — small,
21 — 25 cm — medium,
26 — 30 cm is larger than average and
more than 30 cm is large.
Rear wheels diameter
The diameter of the rear wheels installed in the stroller.
The larger the wheel — the better it overcomes obstacles and bumps, the more convenient it is to drive the stroller over mud, snow and other difficult surfaces. For the rear wheels these moments are most relevant: for example, when driving the stroller over obstacles, it is usually tilted towards itself, so that the front wheels are in the air, and the rear wheels have to overcome the obstacle. On the other hand, small wheels weigh less and are easier to move, they are better suited for flat surfaces. So choose a stroller on this indicator should take into account the roads on which it has to be driven. If you plan to move on flat floors, good asphalt and stroller ramps — it is worth choosing small wheels, up to 20 cm. For difficult terrain, driving on mud and snow, regular overcoming steps and curbs it makes sense to pay attention to wheels in 30 cm and larger. And the diameter of 20 — 30 cm is an average option — it is suitable if you have to ride mainly on flat surfaces, but occasionally there is a need to overcome obstacles.